Posted by: Caradeluna | Posting

Caradeluna's logbook entry from 31.07.2024

It is now the year 2024 and I am continuing my observations of the inhabitants of Earth who call themselves humans. Today I learnt that no human being is actually evil from birth. Apparently, there are also many good people who want to live together with other humans in friendship and harmony. But at the same time, many people can also be very easily manipulated by malicious people and, under negative influence, convert themselves into more or less destructive, maldeveloped beings.

Thus, after several million years of development, it is still possible today for a few malicious creatures to initiate so-called wars in which masses of people destroy each other in the most bestial way like programmed machines. In this process, people develop incredible energy and imagination in the development of instruments and machines that are increasingly effective in eliminating as many people as possible. However, wars, like sporting activities, are also governed by rules, because people distinguish between slaughter that conforms to the rules and slaughter that does not. The trigger for such devastating human characteristics is apparently the perverted greed for power and wealth of a few misconstrued creatures.

In so-called religious wars, people massacre each other in the expectation that they will be invited to paradise as a reward by a superior power. This superior power has many different names on earth. Whoever or whatever is meant by this superior power - it must be very evil itself if it rewards murder and abysmal evil with eternal residence in paradise.